Title Insurance When Refinancing Your Loan
Lower interest rates have motivated you to refinance your home loan. The lower rate may save you a tremendous amount of money over the life of the loan, but you should also expect to pay the lender the typical closing costs associated with any new loan, including service fees, points, title insurance protection and other expenses.
FannieMae, in order to protect its security interest in the loan, requires title insurance coverage. Even those lenders who keep original loans in their portfolio are wise to get a lenders policy to protect their investment against title related defects.
However, even if you did buy a lender's policy when you purchased your home, the lender's policy remains in force only during the life of the loan that was insured. If you refinance, the old loan is paid off (the "life" of the loan expires) and a new loan is issued for which the lender will require a new title insurance policy.
Why do I need to purchase a new title insurance policy on a refinanced loan?
To the lender, a refinance loan is no different than any other home loan. So, your lender will want to insure that their new loan is protected by title insurance, just as the original lender required. Therefore, when you refinance you are buying a title policy to protect your lender.Why does a Lender need title insurance?
Most lenders generate loans and then immediately sell those loans to secondary market investors, such as FannieMae.FannieMae, in order to protect its security interest in the loan, requires title insurance coverage. Even those lenders who keep original loans in their portfolio are wise to get a lenders policy to protect their investment against title related defects.
When I purchased my home, didn't I also buy a lender's policy?
Perhaps. Who pays for the lender's policy on a purchase loan varies regionally and by the terms of individual contracts.However, even if you did buy a lender's policy when you purchased your home, the lender's policy remains in force only during the life of the loan that was insured. If you refinance, the old loan is paid off (the "life" of the loan expires) and a new loan is issued for which the lender will require a new title insurance policy.